Star Trek: USS Missouri is

STAR TREK is the property of Viacom. The likenesses of the different characters are their own. No infringement was intended. The characters and their individual stories are the creation of Dave Stidham. I would like to thank the following people: My wife: Dina. She's always there when I need her. I can't remember not knowing her. All my love forever and always. David Highlander, creator of STAR TREK: Special Ops. and the Star Trek Captions Page. I probably would have given this up had it not been for his encouragement and help. This one's for you, buddy. Tom Varvaresos, the creator of the Katana class. He is truly a talented individual and a friend. Micheal Sweeney, Creator of the TrekWriter's Guild, Mike Wright, creator of more great fanfic than I can remember, Ross Glenn, creator of the great USS Renegade and TrekList, Dave Raftery, creator of the USS Orion, and the rest of the SOTF crew, for giving me a place to hang out on the net and accepting me as one of their own. I would like to thank the two Genes. Gene Roddenberry for his vision of the future that we all love so much. Gene Coon for bringing Star Trek to our TVs. Lastly I would like to thank all of you, the people who read these amateur attempts at story telling. Without all of you, what's the point? THANK YOU!

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Star Trek is a copyright of Paramount Pictures, a division of Viacom. Star Trek: Missouri is a copyright of Dave Stidham.Star Trek: Renegade is a copyright of Ross Glenn. Star Trek: Protostar is a copyright of Mike Wright. Star Trek: Orion is a copyright of Dave Raftery, Star Trek: Special OPS is a copyright of David Highlander. Opening monologue inspired by a memo from John D. F. Black to Gene Roddenberry - Aug. 2, 1966
Updated as of February 28th, 1998

This Ships Of The Fleet site owned by Dave Stidham

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